The winning schedule creamed the competition with a full 60% of the vote! Without further ado the winner is...
The Late Start
Here's the vote breakdown, in case you were wondering:
Top Choice:
The Late Start 13
The Teenage Dream 5
The Traditional 4
Second Choice:
The Late Start 8
The Traditional 7
The Teenage Dream 5
No Response 2
Therefore, this is our schedule breakdown for fall!
First Hour - 9:30 to 10:25
Second Hour - 10:30 to 11:20
Third Hour - 11:25 - 12:15
Lunch Hour - 12:20 - 12:55
Musical Theater - 1:00 - 3:00
That means the facilitating council will begin to place the workshops already submitted into the grid so you can see what is offered at each hour. If you've been waiting to submit until the schedule was finalized, now's the time. Click here to submit your workshop now.
Thanks to everyone that participated in the survey. It's going to be a great fall!